Organization Profile: United Radiance


United Radiance is a prominent non-governmental organization dedicated to championing the rights and acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community worldwide. Born from the need to bridge the societal chasms of discrimination, misunderstanding, and prejudice, the organization has grown into a beacon of hope and advocacy for countless individuals and communities.


To champion and protect the human rights of LGBTQ+ individuals across the globe, fostering an inclusive world where every person, irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity, can live authentically and free from discrimination.

Vision: To envisage a world that respects, understands, and celebrates the diversity of human experiences and identities, a world where LGBTQ+ rights are unequivocally human rights, and where every individual can flourish without fear.

Core Values:

  • Inclusivity: Recognising and respecting the spectrum of sexual orientations, gender identities, and expressions.
  • Empowerment: Providing tools, resources, and platforms to uplift voices from within the community and promote self-representation.
  • Solidarity: Standing shoulder to shoulder with other marginalized communities, acknowledging that our struggles are interconnected.
  • Education: Committing to ongoing outreach and awareness programs to inform, inspire, and transform society at large.
  • Integrity: Upholding the highest standards of honesty, transparency, and ethics in all our endeavors.

Key Initiatives:

  • Youth Connect: A mentorship program pairing young LGBTQ+ individuals with experienced mentors for guidance, support, and skill-building.
  • Safe Spaces: Establishing community centers worldwide offering counseling, educational resources, and a safe environment for individuals to gather and express themselves.
  • Awareness Campaigns: Leveraging media, arts, and influential voices to reshape narratives, dispel myths, and encourage acceptance.
  • Legal Aid: Providing resources and support to individuals facing discrimination or persecution due to their LGBTQ+ status.
  • Collaborative Projects: Partnering with businesses, educational institutions, and other NGOs to drive systemic change.


Since its inception, United Radiance has impacted thousands of lives, directly and indirectly. Their relentless work has resulted in policy changes, improved societal attitudes, and increased resources for the LGBTQ+ community. Their grassroots approach ensures that even the most remote and underserved areas are reached, making them a force of change in the ongoing fight against LGBTQ+ discrimination.