North Dakota Judge Declines to Block Ban on Gender-Affirming Care for Minors

North Dakota Judge Declines to Block Ban on Gender-Affirming Care for Minors

In a notable development, a judge in North Dakota has ruled against immediately halting the state’s prohibition on gender-affirming health care for minors, dealing a blow to families and advocates who are challenging the constitutionality of the law.

Details of the Court’s Decision

Overseeing the case, District Judge Jackson Lofgren refused the plaintiffs’ request for a temporary restraining order. This does not mark the end of the legal struggle, however, as the plaintiffs have sought a preliminary injunction to stop the law’s enforcement while their challenge proceeds. This injunction is set to be reviewed in a January hearing.

Advocates Voice Disappointment and Determination

Brittany Stewart, the lead attorney for Gender Justice and representing the impacted families, voiced her disappointment but remains hopeful. She believes that a comprehensive examination of the evidence will lead the court to abolish the ban, which she deems the sole fair and constitutional solution.

Judge Lofgren’s Basis for Ruling

Judge Lofgren’s decision was partly based on the plaintiffs’ approximate five-month delay in lodging their complaint. He also referred to their argument for being recognized as a protected class, a status not yet acknowledged by the North Dakota Supreme Court, and their unique interpretation of state constitutional principles.

The Controversial Legislation

The contentious North Dakota law criminalizes gender-affirmation surgeries for minors and makes prescribing hormone therapies or puberty blockers a misdemeanor. Proponents argue that it safeguards minors from irreversible effects of these treatments, while critics highlight the detrimental psychological and physical impacts on transgender youth.

Family Struggles in North Dakota

The ban has compelled numerous North Dakota families to seek gender-affirming care for their children outside the state. The law’s grandfather clause, meant to protect children already undergoing treatments, is seen as ambiguous and risky by health care providers, resulting in a suspension of such services.

Nationwide Trend in Legislation

The North Dakota statute is reflective of a broader movement in states with Republican-controlled legislatures, where similar bans have been enacted. These laws have sparked a range of legal challenges and varied judicial responses throughout the country.

Diverse Judicial Reactions Across States

Judges in states like Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, and Montana have temporarily blocked these bans pending ongoing legal challenges. In Florida, the ban is generally enforced except for those who have legally contested it. On the other hand, initial suspensions in Alabama, Kentucky, and Tennessee have been overturned by federal appeals courts, allowing these bans to be enforced.

Implications of the Ruling

The ongoing case in North Dakota underscores a pivotal moment in the nationwide legal disputes over gender-affirming care for minors. As the case moves towards the preliminary injunction hearing, it continues to draw attention to the complex and divisive nature of this issue. The outcomes of this and similar cases across the U.S. will significantly impact transgender youth and their access to essential health care services.


Texas School District Reinstates Original "Oklahoma!" Production Amid Community Backlash

Texas School District Reinstates Original “Oklahoma!” Production Amid Community Backlash

In a remarkable development, the Sherman Independent School District in Texas has overturned a contentious decision that led to the removal of a transgender student from a high school rendition of the musical “Oklahoma!” The change in stance came as a result of extensive community support and backlash, symbolizing a triumph for diversity and inclusivity in school programs.

Unanimous Support for Original Cast Restoration

During a well-attended school board meeting on Monday, the district’s board members, in a unanimous 7-0 vote, agreed to restore the original cast and script of the musical. This move was prompted by the strong opposition from over 60 community members at the meeting, as NBC affiliate KTEN of Denison reported.

School Board Expresses Regret and Dedication

Board President Brad Morgan issued a sincere apology to the students, parents, and the broader community for the turmoil triggered by the original decision. He highlighted the board’s dedication to meeting the diverse needs of its students and preparing them for a complex and diverse world, acknowledging the significant repercussions of the initial ruling.

Spotlight on Transgender Student’s Participation

Max Hightower, a transgender male student at Sherman High School, had secured a leading male role in the play initially. The school’s introduction of a policy limiting roles to students’ birth-assigned genders resulted in Max being stripped of his role, a policy which also impacted other students cast in roles of different genders.

Shift Away from Gender-Based Casting Restrictions

In response to the community outcry, the school modified its position, removing the gender-based casting restrictions. They initially intended to stage a modified, “age-appropriate” version of the musical that would have eliminated Max’s major solo.

Community Advocates for Artistic Freedom

The sentiment of the community was strongly in favor of artistic freedom and inclusivity, with attendees passionately requesting the board to restore the original version of “Oklahoma!” and allow the students to perform without restrictions.

Student Grateful for Community Support

Max Hightower shared his gratitude for the overwhelming support, describing it as both emotional and empowering. He expressed his hope that the board’s decision to permit the original cast to enact the full “Oklahoma!” production would signify a more inclusive and accepting approach.

Inclusivity Wins in Educational Sphere

The reversal by the Sherman Independent School District signifies a critical victory for inclusivity within educational environments. It highlights the vital role of community engagement and advocacy in influencing policies that impact student experiences. The decision to reinstate the original version of “Oklahoma!” with its initial cast, including Max Hightower, serves as a powerful example of the effectiveness of community-driven advocacy and the advancement of diversity in all its forms.


"Make Me Gorgeous!": A Bold Exploration of a Forgotten LGBTQ Pioneer

“Make Me Gorgeous!”: A Bold Exploration of a Forgotten LGBTQ Pioneer

Monday marked the beginning of Transgender Awareness Week, and with it came the debut of a compelling off-Broadway play, “Make Me Gorgeous!” This innovative production, housed in Playhouse 46, ventures into the extraordinary life of an often-overlooked figure in LGBTQ history.

A Gender Kaleidoscope on Stage

“Make Me Gorgeous!” is not just a play; it’s a journey through the gender spectrum. Actor Wade McCollum takes on the challenging role of Kenneth Marlowe, who transitioned to Kate in the latter part of his life. McCollum describes the play as “an exploration of a gender kaleidoscope,” emphasizing the multifaceted nature of Marlowe’s identity.

The Many Lives of Kenneth Marlowe

Marlowe’s life was nothing short of remarkable. His roles ranged from an Army private to a celebrity hairdresser, a self-proclaimed hustler, and a female impersonator. Each phase of his life brought unique experiences and challenges, culminating in his transition to Kate. This play delves deep into these varied chapters, showcasing the complexity of Marlowe’s journey.

A Deep Transformation

McCollum’s portrayal of Marlowe involves meticulous attention to the nuances of gender transition. The actor notes the profound impact of donning the costume and makeup, leading to a deep, transformative experience. McCollum immersed himself in Marlowe’s life, studying his autobiography, “Mr. Madam,” to accurately portray his journey.

Bringing Recognition to a Forgotten History

The obscurity of Kenneth Marlowe in mainstream LGBTQ history is a gap that “Make Me Gorgeous!” aims to fill. The play seeks to bring recognition to Marlowe’s life and experiences, highlighting the diversity and complexity within the LGBTQ community.

A Timely Debut

The timing of the play’s debut aligns perfectly with Transgender Awareness Week, a period dedicated to raising visibility for transgender people and addressing issues faced by the community. McCollum believes that the play’s message is particularly relevant during this week, providing insight into the possibilities that might have been available to Marlowe had he had access to more information earlier in life.

Empowerment, Celebration, and Protection

The ultimate goal of “Make Me Gorgeous!” is to serve as a source of empowerment, celebration, protection, and honor for the trans, non-binary, gender nonconforming, and queer communities. It’s a tribute to the struggles and triumphs of those who have navigated their gender identity under challenging circumstances.

A Limited Engagement

“Make Me Gorgeous!” is set to run through December 31, offering audiences a unique and profound look into the life of a fascinating individual who made significant, though often unrecognized, contributions to LGBTQ history. The play stands as a testament to the resilience and diversity of the human spirit, encouraging awareness and understanding of the rich tapestry of gender identity.


Provincetown Winter Events: Holly Folly Brings Holiday Cheer to the LGBTQ+ Community

Provincetown Winter Events: Holly Folly Brings Holiday Cheer to the LGBTQ+ Community

As the calendar turns to December, Provincetown gears up for its annual LGBTQ+ holiday-themed festival, Holly Folly. This vibrant and inclusive event, set to take place from December 1st to 3rd, offers a unique blend of festive cheer and community support. Holly Folly is not just a celebration; it’s an opportunity to kickstart holiday shopping while supporting local businesses in Provincetown, a town known for its rich history and strong LGBTQ+ community ties.

Entertainment and Activities Galore

The festival promises a plethora of entertainment options suitable for all ages and interests. Throughout the weekend, visitors can expect to be dazzled by a lineup of fabulous entertainers showcasing their talents. From dance parties that will have attendees grooving till the wee hours to heartwarming sing-alongs, the festival caters to a wide array of entertainment preferences.

Jingle Bell Run and Champagne Brunch

One of the highlights of the weekend is the Jingle Bell Run and Champagne Brunch. Imagine a Santa run, but with a twist: participants don bathing suits, adding a humorous and spirited element to the festivities. This event, combining fun and fitness, is a true embodiment of the festival’s joyful spirit.

Holiday Market: A Shopper’s Paradise

For those looking to get a head start on their holiday shopping, the Holly Folly Holiday Market offers the perfect opportunity. The market will feature an array of vendors selling unique and thoughtful gifts, all while supporting local artisans and businesses. From handmade crafts to bespoke holiday decorations, the market is a treasure trove for those seeking special holiday gifts.

Drag Bingo and More

The fun doesn’t stop there. Holly Folly will also host drag bingo, an event that combines the classic game of bingo with the flair and drama of drag performance. This event promises laughter, excitement, and perhaps a little friendly competition.

A Celebration of Diversity and Inclusion

Holly Folly is more than just a series of events; it is a celebration of diversity and inclusion. Provincetown, with its deep-rooted history of LGBTQ+ advocacy and community, provides the perfect backdrop for this festival. The event not only celebrates the holiday season but also the spirit of togetherness and acceptance that defines the LGBTQ+ community.

The Impact on Local Business

The festival also plays a significant role in supporting the local economy. By encouraging holiday shopping at the event, Holly Folly directs the flow of commerce towards local businesses, many of which are LGBTQ+ owned and operated. This support is crucial, especially in the wake of economic challenges faced by small businesses in recent years.

Safety and Accessibility

In planning the event, the organizers have placed a strong emphasis on safety and accessibility. Measures will be in place to ensure that the festival is enjoyable for everyone, regardless of age, ability, or health considerations.

Conclusion: A Time for Joy and Community

As Provincetown’s Holly Folly approaches, the excitement is palpable. This event is not just a festive celebration; it’s a testament to the strength and vibrancy of the LGBTQ+ community. With its eclectic mix of entertainment, shopping, and community spirit, Holly Folly is set to be a highlight of the winter season in Provincetown, offering joy, laughter, and a sense of belonging to all who attend.


Celebrity Split: Chris Appleton and Lukas Gage End Their Marriage

Celebrity Split: Chris Appleton and Lukas Gage End Their Marriage

Famed hairstylist Chris Appleton and actor Lukas Gage have concluded their relationship, dissolving their marriage mere six months after exchanging vows. The duo, who celebrated their union in a notable ceremony led by Kim Kardashian this past April, have officially submitted divorce papers, signifying a sudden closure to their short-lived but extensively publicized marriage.

The Divorce Filing: Details and Legalities

Appleton, 40, filed for divorce from 28-year-old Gage in a Los Angeles court on November 12, as reported by The legal documents point to November 10 as the official date of separation and cite irreconcilable differences as the reason for the split. Interestingly, the couple had a post-nuptial agreement in place, signed on May 3, that waived any claims to spousal support. This agreement ensures that both parties retain their individual assets and obligations as they were before the marriage.

The Wedding: A Star-Studded Affair

The couple’s wedding on April 26 was nothing short of a celebrity event. Appleton and Gage shared their special day with fans by posting pictures on Instagram. The ceremony was officiated by Kim Kardashian, a notable client of Appleton’s, and featured a performance by Shania Twain. The wedding, with its star-studded attendee list and lavish setting, had garnered significant attention on social media and in the entertainment world.

Public Declarations of Love

Before their split, both Appleton and Gage had openly expressed their affection and happiness in their relationship. Appleton, during an appearance on “The Drew Barrymore Show” in March, shared his feelings of being very much in love and grateful. Similarly, Gage spoke on TODAY about his happiness and love, emphasizing the joy and adventures they shared together.

Conclusion: An Amicable Separation

The separation, while sudden, appears to be amicable, with no contentious disputes over assets or support, thanks to their post-nuptial agreement. The divorce of Chris Appleton and Lukas Gage closes a chapter on a relationship that, despite its short duration, captured the attention and imagination of their fans and the wider public.


The Intersection of LGBTQI+ Rights and Democracy: A Global Concern

The Intersection of LGBTQI+ Rights and Democracy: A Global Concern

Recent trends indicate a worrying rise in anti-LGBTQI+ attacks globally, a phenomenon that experts are beginning to recognize as a potential indicator of democratic backsliding. This escalation in homophobic and transphobic rhetoric and policies is particularly evident among populist leaders with illiberal tendencies, as observed in various countries.

Global Summit Insights: Reflecting on Democratic Health

At the second Summit for Democracy convened by President Joe Biden, global leaders assessed the state of democracy, with Biden optimistically noting a shift away from autocracy. However, this outlook contrasts starkly with the reality of increasing authoritarianism worldwide, as noted by organizations like Freedom House. Significantly, the summit lacked substantial discussion on how democratic regression mirrors the surge in attacks on LGBTQI+ communities.

The Williams Institute Study: Linking LGBTQI+ Rights and Democracy

A study from the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law highlights a direct correlation between LGBTQI+ rights and democratic health. The Global Acceptance Index, covering 175 countries, suggests that attacks on LGBTQI+ rights often precede and contribute to the erosion of democratic norms and institutions.

Political Strategy and Crisis Diversion: The Use of Anti-LGBTQI+ Rhetoric

Leaders in various countries have used anti-LGBTQI+ rhetoric as a political strategy to appeal to conservative and religious voters or to distract from internal crises and corruption. The so-called threat of “gender ideology” is often utilized to frame LGBTQI+ advocacy as a subversive influence against traditional norms.

The Indonesian Example: A Case Study

Indonesia’s recent history illustrates how anti-LGBTQI+ sentiment can accompany democratic regression. The country witnessed a rise in homophobic and transphobic attacks, coinciding with President Joko Widodo’s consolidation of power and retreat from promised democratic reforms.

Brazil’s Scenario: Bolsonaro’s Homophobic and Transphobic Policies

In Brazil, President Jair Bolsonaro’s tenure provides another example of how populist homophobia and transphobia can parallel antidemocratic shifts. His administration dismantled professionalized bureaucracy in favor of military and conservative allies, alongside efforts to restrict LGBTQI+ rights.

The Broader Implications: Economic and Political Benefits of LGBTQI+ Inclusion

The relationship between LGBTQI+ rights and democracy is multifaceted. Countries with high levels of LGBTQI+ acceptance tend to have stronger democratic institutions, civil liberties, and economic prosperity. This suggests that promoting LGBTQI+ rights could have broader political and economic benefits.

Policy Recommendations: Prioritizing LGBTQI+ Inclusion

To counter democratic erosion, policymakers should focus on promoting LGBTQI+ acceptance and expanding human rights protections. This includes increasing funding for LGBTQI+-specific programs and leveraging multilateral systems to mainstream LGBTQI+ issues.

A Call to Action: Integrating LGBTQI+ Rights into Foreign Policy

The Biden administration has acknowledged the importance of LGBTQI+ rights in U.S. foreign policy. However, translating this recognition into substantial resources and political action is crucial for strengthening democratic foundations worldwide. Prioritizing LGBTQI+ inclusion aligns with democratic values and constitutes sound policy for bolstering democracy.


Hong Kong Gay Games 2023: A Historic Event in Asia

Hong Kong Gay Games 2023: A Historic Event in Asia

The much-anticipated Hong Kong Gay Games, originally set for 2022, have been rescheduled to November 2023. This decision, influenced by the ongoing global challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, including travel restrictions and unequal access to vaccines, aims to ensure a safer and more inclusive event. Dennis Philipse, the founder of the Gay Games, emphasized the importance of this delay, seeing it as an opportunity to make the event a symbol of hope for communities across Asia still grappling with the pandemic.

First of its Kind: Gay Games in Asia

Marking a significant milestone, the 2023 Hong Kong Gay Games will be the first iteration of this international event to be held in Asia. This historic occasion represents not only a major sporting event but also a powerful statement for LGBTQ+ rights and visibility in a region where such issues often face cultural and legal challenges.

Anticipated Impact: A Gathering of Thousands

The event is expected to draw an impressive 75,000 attendees from around the world, making it one of the largest gatherings in the history of the Gay Games. This influx of participants and spectators will not only celebrate diversity and inclusion but also significantly impact the local economy and international perception of Hong Kong as a cosmopolitan and inclusive city.

A Beacon of Hope: Significance in the Asian Context

The choice of Hong Kong as the host city for the Gay Games holds profound symbolic significance. In a region where LGBTQ+ rights vary drastically between countries, the event is poised to serve as a beacon of hope and progress. It aims to foster greater acceptance and understanding, bridging cultural divides and promoting dialogue on LGBTQ+ issues within Asia.

Sports and Culture: More Than Just Games

While the core of the Gay Games revolves around sporting events, the festival transcends athletics. It is a celebration of culture, diversity, and the LGBTQ+ community. The event will feature a wide range of activities, from competitive sports to cultural exhibitions, showcasing the talents and stories of the LGBTQ+ community.

Preparing for Success: Hong Kong’s Readiness

As the event draws nearer, preparations in Hong Kong are underway to ensure the success of the Games. These preparations include logistical planning, ensuring adequate facilities and infrastructure, and addressing health and safety concerns in the wake of the pandemic.

Looking Forward: The Anticipation Builds

As November 2023 approaches, anticipation for the Hong Kong Gay Games continues to build. This event promises to be more than just a sporting and cultural festival; it represents a milestone in the journey towards greater inclusivity and acceptance for the LGBTQ+ community in Asia and beyond. The world watches as Hong Kong prepares to host an event that could reshape perceptions and spark positive change in the region.


Holly Folly: A Festive Celebration of LGBTQ+ Pride in Provincetown

Holly Folly: A Festive Celebration of LGBTQ+ Pride in Provincetown

Annual Holiday Extravaganza from December 1st to 3rd

Provincetown, known for its vibrant LGBTQ+ community, is set to host Holly Folly, its annual holiday-themed festival, from December 1st to 3rd. This event not only offers an opportunity for holiday merrymaking but also serves as a platform to support local businesses and celebrate LGBTQ+ pride.

Kickstarting the Holiday Season

Holly Folly is a perfect opportunity for attendees to dive into the holiday spirit. The festival is renowned for its eclectic blend of fun, festivity, and community spirit, offering a unique twist to traditional holiday celebrations. It’s a time when the streets of Provincetown come alive with color, music, and joy, welcoming both locals and visitors alike.

Supporting Local Businesses

A significant aspect of Holly Folly is its focus on supporting local businesses. The festival encourages holiday shopping from a range of local vendors, providing a boost to the local economy and offering festival-goers a chance to find unique gifts for their loved ones.

Diverse Range of Events

The festival lineup is as diverse as it is entertaining. Highlights include:

  • Fabulous Entertainers: The weekend will feature a variety of performances by some of the most fabulous entertainers in the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Holiday Market: A central attraction, the holiday market offers a range of goods from local artisans and businesses.
  • Jingle Bell Run and Champagne Brunch: This unique event combines a fun run with a celebratory brunch. Participants often dress in Santa attire, with many opting for the more daring choice of bathing suits.
  • Dance Parties and Sing-Alongs: For those who love to dance and sing, Holly Folly offers numerous opportunities to let loose and enjoy.
  • Drag Bingo: A playful and popular event, drag bingo adds a touch of humor and excitement to the traditional game.
Holly Folly: A Festive Celebration of LGBTQ+ Pride in Provincetown
Holly Folly: A Festive Celebration of LGBTQ+ Pride in Provincetown

A Fabulous Time for All

Holly Folly is more than just a festival; it’s a celebration of community, diversity, and joy. Every year, attendees leave with unforgettable memories and a renewed sense of community. Whether you’re there to shop, participate in the Jingle Bell Run, or simply soak in the festive atmosphere, Holly Folly promises a fabulous time for all.


As Provincetown prepares to host yet another year of Holly Folly, the excitement and anticipation are palpable. This festival not only showcases the town’s inclusive spirit but also highlights the importance of LGBTQ+ events in fostering community and celebration. Holly Folly stands as a shining example of how holidays can be celebrated with a twist of fun, inclusivity, and pride.


Mr. New England Leather 2024: A Weekend of Celebration and Competition

Mr. New England Leather 2024: A Weekend of Celebration and Competition

The eagerly anticipated Mr. New England Leather 2024 pageant is set to take place from November 17th to November 19th, drawing participants and spectators from across the region. This annual event not only serves as a competition but also as a celebration of the leather community, highlighting the culture and camaraderie within this unique subculture.

A Weekend Full of Activities

The pageant weekend promises a diverse range of activities, catering to the interests and enthusiasms of the leather community. From social gatherings to the main competition, the event is designed to foster community spirit and showcase the distinct flair of leather fashion. Participants and attendees will have numerous opportunities to socialize, engage in community building, and, importantly, show off their leather gear in an environment that celebrates their passion and style.

The Competition and Victory Celebration

At the heart of the weekend is the competition itself, where contestants vie for the title of Mr. New England Leather 2024. This contest is more than just a display of leather attire; it’s a platform for contestants to express their personality, charisma, and commitment to the leather community. Following the crowning of the new Mr. New England Leather, a Victory Celebration will take place, marking a high point of the weekend’s festivities.

Importance for the Leather Community

The Mr. New England Leather pageant plays a crucial role in the leather community. It provides a space for individuals to express their identities, fosters a sense of belonging, and helps in promoting the values and culture of the leather community to a broader audience. The event also serves as a reminder of the diversity and inclusivity within the leather subculture, emphasizing its role as a welcoming and affirming space for all who share an affinity for leather.

Looking Ahead

As November approaches, the excitement within the leather community is palpable. The Mr. New England Leather 2024 pageant is more than just an event; it’s a celebration of identity, culture, and community. The weekend is set to be a memorable occasion, offering an array of experiences that encapsulate the spirit of the leather community in New England.


The Trevor Project Exits X Amid Rising Hostility

The Trevor Project Exits X Amid Rising Hostility

In a notable development, The Trevor Project, an organization nationally recognized for its work in preventing LGBTQ youth suicide, has declared its withdrawal from X, previously known as Twitter. This move represents a significant alteration in the field of LGBTQ advocacy on digital platforms and comes just over a year following the acquisition of the company by billionaire Elon Musk for $44 billion.

Rising Concerns for LGBTQ Youth Safety

The main factor behind The Trevor Project’s decision to leave the platform was the escalating hostility and negativity directed at the LGBTQ community on X. The organization highlighted the frequent harassment faced by LGBTQ youth on the platform, a situation worsened by recent policy changes at X, such as the elimination of key moderation features. These changes have significantly hindered the organization’s ability to maintain a supportive and inclusive environment for LGBTQ youth.

Internal and External Deliberations Lead to Departure

With nearly 350,000 followers on X, The Trevor Project’s decision was not made lightly. It involved extensive consultations with both internal and external perspectives. A significant concern was whether leaving X would allow harmful narratives and rhetoric against the LGBTQ community to dominate without their presence to counter it. Ultimately, the need to protect the mental health and well-being of LGBTQ youth guided their decision to leave the platform.

Alternative Platforms and Resources

In light of its departure from X, The Trevor Project directed LGBTQ youth to its own social networking site, The organization reassured its commitment to the community by maintaining its presence on other social media platforms, including Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

Broader Impact and Industry Response

The departure of The Trevor Project from X is part of a larger trend observed since Musk’s takeover. Many LGBTQ individuals and organizations have found the platform increasingly hostile. Notably, high-profile LGBTQ figures and organizations such as Elton John and Ellen DeGeneres have either left or reduced their activity on X. Other LGBTQ nonprofits, including the San Francisco LGBT Center and LGBTQ Youth Scotland, have also exited the platform.

Ongoing Concerns and Future Outlook

X’s press office has not yet responded to these developments or the characterization of the platform as a space of “hate & vitriol.” This situation raises broader questions about the future of social media as a safe and inclusive space for marginalized communities, particularly the LGBTQ community, in the wake of changing policies and leadership at major platforms. The industry-wide impact and responses from other social media giants remain to be seen as this situation evolves.
